Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Schedule of a School day in the Philippines

The typical school day in America would be as follows:

  1. Go to school around 7am or 9am depending on whether you are in elementary, middle, or high school
  2. Stay in school for roughly 6hours
  3. Stay after school if you have sports or clubs
  4. Then go home
The school day in the Philippines is more like the day in a college in America:

  1. Go to school around 8am
  2. Students have a 1 hour lunch break where they can either go home to eat, stay at school, or go somewhere else to eat. They also just hang out and talk or play some sports during this time as well- this is around noon
  3. Then after that return to classes until around 5pm.
  4. Then they go home
                Virginia Tech
                                                                          So Different
                                                                                            ^^ University of Santo Tomas^^                                                               

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